I haven't compared them with Leslie, but if you are doing the upper body movements I think they would count more. I don't have a Flex, I do have other wrist-worn fitbits and they actually count more steps for alot of activities. My One tracks Leslue workouts fine, the calorioe burn is usually a little higher than my heart rate monitor credits for these, but not much higher. I need more like 2,500 steps for a mile as I am short. People often think they should get a mile for 2000 steps, but that really depends on how big those steps were. Also about the distance, it is based on an assumption you get a mile for a certain number of steps.

Some of the "steps" take more than one BPM to complete. I looked into it and learned that Leslie's distance is based on the beats per minute of the music. I do not think these workouts actually have the exact step count for the mileage advertised. With Leslie and really most walking workouts it is under very significantly. When my Fitbit one is off by a tenth of a mile it is often over by that.

The steps and mileage never add up to what is claimed. 1 of a mile (I did calibrate my stride settings though). The distance when I walk outside is within. If I take 200 carefully counted steps it undercounts a few, like it would say I took 195 steps. Hi punkstammy, I have a Fitbit One that is pretty accurate with steps.